Shareholders' Agreement

Need to create a founder’s shareholder agreement to regulate your new start-up?

Create My Agreement

Loan Agreement

Borrowing or lending money? Make sure the arrangement is properly documented.

Make a Loan Agreement

IP Transfer Agreement

Ensure valuable intellectual property vests in you or your company, where it should be.

Transfer IP

Confidentiality Agreement

Need to transfer confidential information? Protect yourself against misuse.

Create an NDA

Shareholders' Agreement

Need to create a founder’s shareholder agreement to regulate your new start-up?

Create My Agreement

Loan Agreement

Borrowing or lending money? Make sure the arrangement is properly documented.

Make a Loan Agreement

IP Transfer Agreement

Ensure valuable intellectual property vests in you or your company, where it should be.

Transfer IP

Confidentiality Agreement

Need to transfer confidential information? Protect yourself against misuse.

Create an NDA

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EstateBee Expert Team - Avril Reeves - Estate Planning Help When You Need It



Anna is a journalist and author, with a keen interest in business and finance.

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Is a Shareholders’ Agreement necessary? James, Stockport

Hi James, it’s not necessary, but we very much recommend having one. A shareholders’ agreement regulates the relationship between the shareholders of a company and provides for the management of the company’s business. It deals with things such as the...

What happens if I decide not to make a Will? Katie, London

Hi Katie, good question. If you don’t make a will, then your estate will be distributed in accordance with intestacy laws when you pass away. The intestacy laws tend to distribute a person’s estate in a manner that replicates how...


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