Supporting charities together…

Every month, we donate 5% of our profits to charity. We are extremely proud of our charitable donations, and grateful that we can give back to our community. With your continued support, we will continue to help make a difference to peoples lives. Let’s keep supporting our community together.

Supporting charities together…

Every month, we donate 5% of our profits to charity. We are extremely proud of our charitable donations, and grateful that we can give back to our community. With your continued support, we will continue to help make a difference to peoples lives. Let’s keep supporting our community together.

About the charities

Cancer Research UK

Cancer Research UK is the world’s largest independent cancer research organization. It conducts research using its own staff and grant-funded researchers. It provides information about cancer and runs campaigns aimed at raising awareness and influencing public policy. The charity is publicly funded and raises money through donations, fundraisings, events and partnerships.

For more information, visit

St John Ambulance

St John Ambulance is the first aid, health and safety and mental health first aid trainer of choice for hundreds of thousands of companies, local authorities, and members of the public. It is primarily staffed by volunteers, provides first aid and emergency medical services, and is overseen by the international Order of St John and its priories (national branches).

For more information, visit

Macmillan Cancer Support

Macmillan Cancer Support is one of the largest British charities and provides specialist health care, information and financial support to people affected by cancer. It also looks at the social, emotional and practical impact cancer can have, and campaigns for better cancer care. Macmillan Cancer Support’s goal is to reach and improve the lives of everyone who has cancer in the UK.

For more information, visit

British Heart Foundation

The British Heart Foundation funds around £100 million of research each year into all heart and circulatory diseases and the things that cause them. Heart diseases. Stroke. Vascular dementia. Diabetes. They’re all connected, and they’re all under the Foundation’s microscope. Its vision is a world free from the fear of heart and circulatory diseases. A world without heartbreak.

For more information, visit


The NSPCC’s services help children who’ve been abused, protect children at risk and find the best ways to prevent child abuse from ever happening. As part of its fight for every childhood, it works directly with children and families in national and regional hubs across the UK and Channel Islands and gives support to thousands of adults and young people in need through the NSPCC helpline and Childline.

For more information, visit

Great Ormond Street Hospital Charity

Great Ormond Street Hospital Charity is the largest charitable funder of paediatric research in the UK. Its researchers are leading the way, discovering and developing treatments for complex medical conditions. Funding their pioneering journeys today will make a difference for generations to come. Every day, about 600 children and young people from across the UK arrive for life-changing treatments.

For more information, visit

Alzheimer’s Research UK

Alzheimer’s Research UK is the UK’s leading dementia research charity, dedicated to causes, diagnosis, prevention, treatment and cure. Its mission is to bring about the first life-changing dementia treatment by 2025. Its vision is a world where people are free from the fear, harm and heartbreak of dementia.

For more information, visit

British Red Cross

The British Red Cross Society is the United Kingdom body of the worldwide neutral and impartial humanitarian network the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. The society has more than 17,200 volunteers and 3,400 staff and  is committed to helping people without discrimination, regardless of their ethnic origin, nationality, political beliefs or religion.

For more information, visit

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