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Selecting a Business Structure

The first organisational issue to consider when starting a new business is what legal structure to use. There are three basic options to choose...

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Selecting and Registering a Domain Name

Unlike trade marks, domain names are not technically owned by the user. Domain names must be registered in the domain name system (DNS) database,...

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Share Capital

Irish companies generally have two different types of share capital – authorised share capital and issued share capital. Authorised share capital is simply the...

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Taxation of Partnerships

As a partnership is not a separate legal entity, its partners share the profits and losses of the partnership business directly. As a result,...

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Trade Mark Licensing

Creative trade mark licensing can greatly increase a company’s revenues, as well as expand its brand identification and sales reach into territories that otherwise...

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Powers of Attorney

A power of attorney is a legal document by which you can appoint and authorize another person (usually a trusted friend, family member, colleague...

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Overview of Confidentiality and Non-disclosure

The success or failure of a business depends on its ability to maintain a competitive advantage, and a company’s competitive advantage often depends on...

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Overview of Patents

A patent is the legal right to preclude another person from making, selling, offering to sell, using or importing any product or process that...

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Passing Off

Although it is much easier to enforce a trade mark if it is registered, it is also possible to seek damages for the common...

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Patent Maintenance and Enforcement

Once a patent has issued on your invention, you will be able to preclude anybody else from using it in the designated countries for...

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Perfection of a Charge or Mortgage

Both charges and mortgages must be “perfected” in order to be valid against the borrower and its other creditors. To be perfected in Ireland,...

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Marketing and Selling your Product

Many great business ideas die on the vine because not enough thought and effort goes into promoting the business and getting customers in the...

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