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Maximizing Value: How to Sell or License a Patent

After spending a large amount of time and money obtaining, maintaining and enforcing a patent, it makes sense to get as much value out...

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Overview – Manufacture, Distribution and Sale of Goods

No business is an island unto itself—each relies on relationships with third parties to operate efficiently and profitably. In every such relationship, the primary...

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Maximizing Value: Sale or License of a Trade Mark

After spending a large amount of time and money obtaining, maintaining and enforcing a patent, it makes sense to get as much value out...

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Limited Power of Attorney

A ‘limited power of attorney’ is very similar to a general power of attorney except that it imposes specific and sometimes substantial limits upon...

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Licensing a Patent

Licensing a patent is much more complicated than a simple assignment. In fact, a Patent License Agreement could be one of the most complex...

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Manufacturing and Supply

If you intend to manufacture your own goods, your production operations alone will involve many aspects of starting a new business. You will have...

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Introduction to Intellectual Property

Intellectual property rights allow you to legally protect the inventions, brands, logos, written material, software, designs and the like that you create for your...

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How to Register a Trade Mark

The first step in protecting a trade mark used in your business is to identify the names, brands, logos, etc. that you want to...

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How to Set Up a Joint Venture

If two companies or individuals believe that there are advantages to working together on a targeted business project, they may decide to form a...

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Incorporating a Company

In order to be officially incorporated and begin operating as an Irish company, you must register with the Companies Registration Office (CRO) by filing...

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How to Start a Business

Starting a new business is an exciting process. It begins with an inspiration—an idea about a product or service that you would like to...

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How to Transfer a Share

In order to transfer shares in a limited liability company, there are a number of simple steps that you must first go through. Firstly,...

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