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You can also quickly check out our Top 10 FAQ section below or our Help Center before contacting us – just in case your answer is there……

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    Top 10 FAQs

    What's different about DocuDraft?

    1. DocuDraft puts its customers first.

    2. If you are not satisfied with our service for any reason, please contact us and we’ll correct the situation.

    3. DocuDraft has been developed by expert solicitors with vast legal drafting experience.

    4. DocuDraft has been providing online legal documents since 2000. We were one of the first companies in the world to do this.

    5. Our online documents and legal forms contain advanced provisions that are not found in simple "do-it-yourself" forms or in most other online software.

    6. We don’t simply provide you with a fill-in-the-blank type form and send you off to sign it. We provide you with products that contain a vast degree of information to educate you on what you need to consider when creating legal documents. These products come in the form of books, legal kits and legal software with inbuilt help manuals.

    7. DocuDraft allows you to take control of your legal documents and legal affairs without ever leaving the comfort of your home or office.

    8. With DocuDraft, you can save hundreds of dollars compared to the rates that a solicitor and even some other websites would normally charge for preparing your legal documents.

    9. The information you provide to us is kept private and confidential and NEVER sold or passed on to third parties.

    10. We ensure that all your personal and banking details are kept in a secure environment. All document creation and financial transactions take place behind a secure sockets layers server (HTTPS) – this is the same encryption technology used by banks and other financial institutions.

    Are documents valid in the UK?

    While all of our documents have been individually tailored to be valid in England and Wales, they have not been tailored to be valid in Scotland.

    Is DocuDraft’s service suitable for me?

    Although the documents produced by DocuDraft are applicable for most cases, there are circumstances where it is advisable to seek specific legal advice. You should consult a lawyer if you:

    •  are involved in a matrimonial dispute or wish to disinherit your spouse.

    •  have a history of mental illness or the question of your mental capacity is likely be raised in objection to the legal documents you create.

    •  have a large, complex estate and feel that you would benefit from some advice on tax planning and reduction.

    This list is not exhaustive, and if you have any concerns you should consult with a solicitor. Also, feel free to ask us - we're here to help you make the right decision.

    Do you offer legal advice?

    No. we don't. We're not a law firm and we don't offer legal or any other advice.

    In our products and articles, we try to provide readers with an overview of the laws in a specific area. While this overview is often general in nature, it provides a good starting point for those wishing to carry out a more detailed review of a topic. However, unlike a solicitor advising a client, we cannot cover every conceivable eventuality that might affect our readers. Within the intended scope of these products and articles, we can only cover some of the principal areas in a given topic, and even where we cover these areas, we can still only do so to a moderate extent.

    We try to present useful information and documents that can be used by an average reader with little or no legal knowledge. While our sample documents can be used in most cases, everybody’s personal circumstances are different. As such, they may not be suitable for everyone. You may have personal circumstances which might impact the effectiveness of these documents or even your desire to use them. The reality is that without engaging an attorney to review your personal circumstances, this risk will always exist.

    If you are in any doubt as to whether the documents available via this site (whether they are in books, kits or otherwise) are suitable for use in your particular circumstances, you should contact a suitably qualified solicitor for advice before using them.

    Do qualified solicitors work with DocuDraft?

    Absolutely! Our CEO is an English qualified solicitor and our team works closely with many other solicitors to ensure our templates are up to scratch, and to provide our bespoke document drafting service.

    What if I am not satisfied with my purchase?

    If you experience any problems with our service or are unhappy with any of the products you have purchased, please feel free to contact us. We will be happy to try and remedy the problem for you.

    Is my credit card and personal information safe?

    Yes. All your information is 100% safe.

    All our payments and all online document creation take place behind a secure socket layers server (HTTPS). This is the same type of encryption technology used by banks and leading financial institutions to protect customer data and information. For further information, see our privacy policy.

    What is the Lawyer Review Service?

    Our lawyer review service is a simple service whereby you can send us a copy of your executed DocuDraft document and one of our solicitors will check your document to ensure it has been executed properly. This will then give you some added peace of mind that you have done things correctly and that your document has been validly executed.

    What documents can I make using DocuDraft?

    You can create the a multitude of business and personal legal documents using DocuDraft. Check out these pages for more details: Business Legal Forms (, Personal Legal Forms (, and Bespoke Legal Agreements (

    I made a mistake with my order, how can I correct it?

    The best thing to do is to contact our customer service team. We'll do our best to resolve the problem.

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