Wills & Trusts

Revoking a Will

There are two specific methods you can follow when revoking a will. You can either: draft a new...

  • April 15, 2020

Wills & Trusts

Intestacy and What Happens If You Don’t Make a Will?

If you fail to make a last will and testament or if you draft an invalid one, you...

  • March 3, 2020

Wills & Trusts

Who Should I Choose as My Personal Representative of My Last Will?

Choosing a personal representative is one of the most fundamental elements of any last will. The main characteristics...

  • February 6, 2020

Wills & Trusts

Estate Planning Essentials: A Checklist of What You Need Most…

When it comes to estate planning, you might put it off because you think you’re too young or...

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